Ádám Horváth
After winning the first international Negomoot and organizing several simulations with the founding fathers, I was elected for president of the association in 2011. My ultimate goal is to pass on the knowledge I gain as a diplomat in Brussels to the even younger generations and make Negomoot an internationally recognized brand.

Eszter Lasancz
Secretary General
I first met Negomoot in 2015 when I led my team to a victory on the national competition. The simulation was such an overwhelming experience, that I immediately became a member of the organisation. Ever since I have been organising international simulation games and in 2017 I became the Secretary General.

Loránd Károlyi
Vice President
Following my triumph at the 2015 simulation of Corvinus University, Negomoot quickly became a major part of my professional life, besides my financial career. Since then we have been through many awesome events in several European countries and in order to take this successful project even further, I was elected as Vice President in 2017.

Vivien Szalai
Domestic Coordinator
I majored in International Relations at Corvinus University and participated in a Negomoot competition as a student. It was such a nice experience for me that I decided to become a volunteer and I have been organizing simulations ever since even though I started building my career in the business sector.

Nicol Nógrádi
UK Coordinator
I am a current student at the University College London (UCL), where I study Social Sciences with Quantitative Methods. I have been a member of Negomoot since 2014, when I was awarded a special prize for my performance as the youngest player of the game. I have been passionate and excited about working with the team ever since.